How Much Do Your Seeds Cost?
Please refer to each individual seed page for their pricing, as prices vary. Note that quantity discounts will automatically apply as items are added into your card.
What is Your Minimum Quantity Purchase Amount?
We have a minimum purchase of 1000 seeds.
What Strains Do You Have for Sale?
If you’re looking to grow Hemp to extract CBD or produce smokeable flowers, you need CBD hemp seeds that grow at under 0.3% THC. When growing for CBD, it’s important to remember that only female hemp plants produce flowers with high contents of CBD.
Our seed strains have been grown to optimize your crop for CBD production. In past years we have seen late harvest CBD %’s between 14-17%, with compliant THC %’s. We have five strains available: Cherry Boax, Grape Indica, Stormy Daniels, 1942, and Gatsby.
Learn more about our strains (and view their COAs) here.
How Soon After Ordering Do I Recieve My Seed Order?
All of our seeds are typically shipped the same day payment has cleared, or immediately the following day directly from the growing facility. Depending on your location, you should have your full seed order in a few business days.
What is a Feminized Seed and Why Does It Matter?
Feminized seed means you are planting a high percentage of female to male plants, making it much easier for the farmer to cull out the existing male plants. This not only waste less space in fields, but also means less fertilizer is applied to plants that will not be harvested.
The female plant, when unpollinated, produces the flower that contains CBD. Male plants not only produce no CBD flower, but also will pollinate the females around them. Pollination causes females to produce seed instead of flower. Once a female plant goes to seed, it drastically reduces it’s CBD producing potential.
How Do We Determine Germination Rates?
Current regulations only require seed producers to start 10 seeds of a given strain, but we feel that doesn’t accurately ensure that germination rates are known. Our germination rates are tested by starting 100 seeds of each strain. We can confidently say that our germination rates are known and will be seen by growers who choose our seed.
How Do We Determine Feminization Rates?
We keep all 100 started seeds from our germination test to flower to test for our percentage of feminization. Again greatly exceeding the minimum requirement of just 10 plants. By taking so many plants to flower we can also test that many plants for CBD and THC percentage at harvest. Before we sell any seeds we can confidently say we know they will grow and produce the crop our growers are expecting.
How Do I Purchase Your Seeds?
You can purchase your seeds from us here.