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How to Get a Hemp Growing License in the State of Wisconsin

This page was last updated on November 4, 2019.

To grow or process hemp in the State of Wisconsin, you must have a valid license. The Wisconsin Grower License will allow you to plant and harvest hemp. The processor license allows you to store, handle, and convert hemp into a marketable form.

In the state of Wisconsin, hemp growing (and processing) licenses last for a lifetime and only need to be obtained once. However, Wisconsin hemp growers (and processors) need to re-register their license every year to remain valid.

Note: If you are processing only hemp that you grow, the state of Wisconsin only requires you to have a hemp growing license.

New License Applications

Starting November 1, 2019, the state of Wisconsin is accepting new hemp growers and processors. Those wishing to apply can use the forms here:

Note: You will also need to complete the Annual Registration for the year you plan to operate – even if you are completing a new hemp growing or processing application.

Existing License (Needs to be Renewed)

Annual registration for the 2020 License Year must be completed and paid by March 1, 2020. Any late applications (or payments) will result in a 20% late fee.

If you already are licensed in the state of Wisconsin, you should have received a registration application in the mail. You can use your PIN and username (with the password) to login to https://mydatcp.wi.gov/ to renew your annual registration for 2020. 

Note: If you are an existing licensee, but do not plan to grow or process hemp in 2020, you do not need a 2020 registration. 

Other Criteria

The state of Wisconsin license and registration forms for hemp growers and processors include a consent form to allow DATCP to conduct a background check on you. (Note: If the application is for a business, they will conduct the background check on the operations manager.)

The state of Wisconsin will not issue a license to applicants who have any criminal drug convictions (federal or in any state). Once you have submitted your hemp growing or processing application, the hemp program staff from the state of Wisconsin will contact you with instructions on how to submit your background check form. Do not submit your background check form with the hemp growing (or processing) form.

In addition to the background check, the state of Wisconsin requires a signed 2020 research agreement for each individual applying for their hemp growing (or processing) application. The hemp program staff from the state of Wisconsin will contact you with instructions on how to submit your 2020 research agreement. Do not send your research agreement with the application form.


Grower license (one-time fee) $150 (0-30 acres)
$5/acre (31-199 acres)

$1,000 (200 acres or more)
Processor license No fee
License modification $50/change (plus fee for additional acreage as listed above)
​Grower registration (annual fee) $350
Processor registration (annual fee) $100
Sampling/testing $250/sample and test (each field and variety needs at least one sample/test)
Grower registration late fee $70 (20% late fee for hemp grower annual registration renewal application form and/or payment received after March 1, 2020.)
Processor registration late fee $20 (20% late fee for processor annual registration renewal application form and/or payment received after March 1, 2020.)


If you have any questions about the information above, you can contact our team of experts here. Otherwise, the contact information for the state of Wisconsin program is: